Candles have to be one of my favourite home decor things. I actually have a friend that makes candles from scratch so I always try and find new ideas for holders for them. This post is a little different because there are so many different ideas I stumbled on for making candle holders. Below I have a few pictures for ideas and a materials list.These are also great gift ideas and you can do so much with them with minimal materials needed.
Most of the materials can be bought at your local dollar store, if you can't find something you can go to Wal-Mart or your local craft store to find what you need.
Some of the necessary materials you will need are:
1. Glue gun
2. Glue sticks for glue gun
3. Mod Podge
4. Paper, tissue paper, glass gems,
5. Really anything you want to use on the candle holder, ie.
the dried leaves for the fall themed holders.
Below each image are brief instructions on how to make the candle holder show.
This is one really cute for winter. All that is needed for this one is white glue and sparkles.
It is a little messy but the finish product is worth it!
These 3 above are all made the same way. You will need a mason jar (or any other glass holder), Mod podge, sponge brush and whatever you're using to stick on (dried leaves, tissue paper).
Use the Mod Podge to stick the paper on, but be gentle so it doesn't rip. After all the snow flakes or leaves are on, do 1-2 coats over top of Mod Podge to seal it.
This one is really easy to make. You will need a mason jar, hot glue gun and you can buy coloured gems at the dollar store.